Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Autumn crocus 1.10.2019

Colchicum lustianum starting to flower. 1.10.2019

Crocus serotinus starting to flower too in the Serranía de Ronda

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Glaucium corniculatum

Glaucium corniculatum Blackspot horn poppy


This Horned Poppy is usually red, but the yellow was a rare find by my husband near to Osuna,  southwest Spain. It is an annual and the leaves and stem are hairy. It can grow 24-40cms tall and is native to southern Europe. It flowers from April to June.

Friday, 19 April 2019

Ophrys lupercalis

Ophrys lupercalis Lupercales Bee orchid

This orchid was photographed in March at Montejaque, southern Spain. It is sometimes called Ophrys fusca ssp lupercalis and some Botanists argue that is is simply a variation of Ophrys fusca. It is present all over the Mediterranean basin. If flowers from February to March.