
Sunday 17 September 2023

 Asparagus albus Asparagus

Esparraguera blanca

Wild Asparagus is common in the area in September flowering profusely and with a lovely scent.
It grows to about 1 metre tall. It is native to western southern Europe and north Africa. In the winter/spring there will be new shoots sprouting from the ground, which are delicious to eat. It has 
red berries in the winter/spring.

Wednesday 13 September 2023

 Juglans regia Walnut tree

Photo from Sierra de las Nieves. The walnut was originally thought to originate from Iran but some scientists believe it also originates from southern Europe as well as China and the Himalaya.
It can grow to a height of 25-35m and flowers from April to July. The photo of the nuts was taken in July.