
Monday 23 April 2018

Cydonia oblonga

Cydonia oblonga  Quince


This 2-4 metre tall shrub originated in SW Asia, Turkey and north Iran to Afghanistan, but is now naturalised in Spain.  The large Quince fruits are very popular in cooking, making jams, and lots of other different foodstuffs including desserts. It is cultivated in many countries. It flowers from March to May. It is hardy and drought tolerant but needs hot summers to ripen the fruit.

Sunday 22 April 2018

Linaria viscosa

Linaria viscosa Toadflax

This pretty Toadflax is endemic to the SW of Spain. It was found at El Rocio, Huelva province, on 2.4.2018. It can grow to an height of 60cms and prefers sandy, dry soil. It flowers from April to June. There is some discussion going on about this Linaria, so I can't be 100% sure it is the correct name.

Friday 20 April 2018

Ornithopus sativus ssp isthmorcarpus

Ornithopus sativus ssp isthmorcarpus Common Bird's foot

This pretty little plant spreads from 10-60cms along the ground on sandy soil. It is native to southern Iberia and north Africa. It flowers from March to April. Photographed at El Rocio, province of Huelva, Doñana.

Monday 9 April 2018

Corrigiola litoralis

Corrigiola litoralis Strapwort

A new species for me found in El Rocio, Coto de Doñana, and it is native to Europe, the Mediterranean and Africa. It has been introduced to Australia and north America. This delicate little plant spreads from 10-30cm and flowers from March to June, on the edges of water.