
Thursday 27 July 2017

Cynoglossum clandestinum

Cynoglossum clandestinum  Hound's Tongue

This plant is unusual because the flower buds never open. They remain closed and are covered in many hairs. It can grow from 30-50cms tall and flowers from February to May. I hope that I have identified it correctly.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Cynara baetica ssp baetica

Cynara baetica ssp baetica 

Alcachofa blanca

At last, after years of looking I have found this Andaluz endemic, classed as Vulnerable in the Red List of Andalusia. It flowers from June to August and it grows to an height of 80cms. It grows at an altitude of 800-1,600m.  it is found on grassy pastures in the mountains of Andalusia.

Sunday 21 May 2017

Volutaria muricata

Volutaria muricata Morocco Knapweed

I found this new Knapweed near to Málaga airport. It is native of southern Spain and Morocco. The flowers are 2-3ins across (5-7.5cms) and it can grown to an height of 70 cms. It is an annual and flowers from March to June.

Saturday 20 May 2017

Silene for id

Silene for id Campion

This tiny Silene is found growing in one specific area of Grazalema. I have been unable to identify it for two years and no one seems to know what it is. The flower was very tiny, approx. 10mm but it was on a long stem at 25-30cms. It is found growing near Pinsapo trees and amongst Cistus albidus. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Filago lusitanica

Filago lusitanica  Cudweed

This unusual small plant grows low to the ground and can grow from 2-5cms. It flowers from February to May and is native to the Sierras of Spain, SE Portugal and NE Africa. Its common name "Cudweed" comes from the fact that it was once fed to cows that had lost their ability to chew; hence, chewing the cud.

Saturday 6 May 2017

Convolvulus tricolor

Convolvulus tricolor Dwarf Morning Glory

This beautiful Convolvulus is native to the Mediterranean Basin and flowers from March to May. It can spread to 1 metre and is found in southern Spain near to the coast.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Cachrys sicula

Cachrys sicula 

This unusual perennial herb is native to the Iberian Peninsula and grows from an height of 30cm-1.50m. It flowers from April to June and is very striking when seen in swathes on hillsides. The umbels compose of 8-15 spokes.

Monday 17 April 2017

Saxifraga for id

Saxifraga for id Saxifrage

I am not sure what this Saxifrage is. It is found flowering at Llanos de Libar from March to April, which rules out the endemic S. bourgeana, which flowers in May and June. This is growing in damp rocks and grows to an height of 20cms.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Lepidium or Cardaria draba

Lepidium or Cardaria draba  Hoary Cress


This perennial is native to Europe and western Asia. It has been introduced in other continents now and is classed as invasive. It grows from an height of 10-88cms tall and grows in dry soils, though this was found on a river bank. It can grow from an altitude 0-1,500m.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Anthericum baeticum

Anthericum baeticum St. Bernard's Lily

This lovely delicate flower is the smallest of the Anthericum, and is native to Spain, Portugal and North Africa. It normally flowers from May but I found this on March 14th, and can be found up until July. It grows from an height of 5-30cms.

Friday 17 March 2017

Punica granatum

Punica granatum Pomegranate


This fruit bearing tree originated in Iran and has been widely cultivated in the Mediterranean, north India and the Americas. It occasionally seeds itself and can be found growing in the wild in warm climes. It flowers from March to May and fruits in the autumn. The fruit are full of many beneficial natural nutrients. The tree or shrub can grow from 4-10m tall.

Monday 13 March 2017

Galega officinalis

Galega officinalis Goat's Rue


It is a perennial, herbaceous plant growing from 70-100cms in height. It flowers from March to June. It is native to central and southern Europe, Asia minor and Iran. It is found next to streams, damp fields and ditches.  It has beautiful lilac-pink flowers. it used to be cultivated widely as a forage plant but was found to be too toxic.

Cerinthe major ssp gymnandra

Cerinthe major ssp gymnandra Honeywort


This lovely plant is native of the Iberian Peninsula and Menorca and flowers from February to May. It grows from 20-50cms tall and is found on verges and among pine forests, preferring sandy soil. The leaves are a greenish-blue which is not obvious in this photograph.

Cotula coronopifolia

Cotula coronopifolia  Buttonweed

This South African flower has naturalised along the Atlantic coast of Spain. Photo taken at Barbate. It thrives in muddy sites, marshes and lagoons. It grows from 5-30cms tall and flowers from May to August, though this was flowering in March.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Iberis carnosa

Iberis carnosa  Candytuft


This beautiful little Iberis flowers from April to June. It is pale pink fading to white as the flower gets older. It is found above altitudes of 800m usually on limestone. It is found in the Mediterranean. I am not 100% sure that I have id'd it correctly, as it could be a subspecie.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Calendula aegyptiaca

Calendula aegyptiaca Egyptian marigold

This tiny marigold can grow to an height of 10cms and is found in southern Soain, North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It flowers from December to May and is found on arid pastures.

Sunday 12 February 2017

Rubia arvensis

Rubia arvensis Blue woodruff

Rubiadera azul

This blue plant is native to southern Europe, North Africa and SA Asia. It flowers from April to June and can grow to an height of 10-40cms. It is found on cultivated ground and in clearing near to woodland.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Oxalis corniculata

Oxalis corniculata Creeping woodsorrel


This common plant is worldwide and it's origins are unknown. It can be invasive. The leaves are edible and taste of lemons. The whole plant is rich in Vitamin C but must be taken sparingly as a drink. The seeds are explosive, hence it's invasive properties.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Lotus ornithopodioides

Lotus ornithopodioides Common Birdsfoot trefoil


This common plant is native to the Mediterranean and is found on dry pastures, flowering from March to June. It can grow from 10-40cms tall. The position of the flowers are thought to resemble a bird's claw. I hope that I have id'd this correctly.

Monday 6 February 2017

Stachys arvensis

Stachys arvensis Field woundwort

Hierba de gato

This flower is common over much of Europe and eastwards to Taiwan. It flowers from April to June and can grow to an height of 45cms. It prefers dampish, acid and sandy soils.

Sunday 5 February 2017

Silene colorata

Silene colorata

This beautiful plant can be found in small groups or in large swathes in orchards, verges or fields. It is native to the Mediterranean and can grow to an height of 40cms. It flowers any time from January to June. It is unusual to find a white form. The stem has fine, silky hairs. It produces tiny brown seeds.

Friday 3 February 2017

Malva cretica ssp. althaeoides

Malva cretica ssp. althaeoides Mallow


This delicate Mallow grows from 10-40cms tall and is native to the SW Mediterranean. It likes a dry and sunny spot and flowers from April to June.

Friday 27 January 2017

Narcissus assoanus ssp assoanus

Narcissus assoanus ssp assoanus Rush leaved Jonquil


This tiny Narcissus was found at Sierra de las Nieves 1.4.2016. Thank you to Fernando Ureña Plaza for the identification.  It can grow up to an height of 15cms (6ins) and flowers in March and April.  It is found in rocks or pastures in NW Mediterranean. You can see it's size by the euro in the bottom photograph.