
Thursday 27 July 2017

Cynoglossum clandestinum

Cynoglossum clandestinum  Hound's Tongue

This plant is unusual because the flower buds never open. They remain closed and are covered in many hairs. It can grow from 30-50cms tall and flowers from February to May. I hope that I have identified it correctly.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Cynara baetica ssp baetica

Cynara baetica ssp baetica 

Alcachofa blanca

At last, after years of looking I have found this Andaluz endemic, classed as Vulnerable in the Red List of Andalusia. It flowers from June to August and it grows to an height of 80cms. It grows at an altitude of 800-1,600m.  it is found on grassy pastures in the mountains of Andalusia.