
Sunday 21 May 2017

Volutaria muricata

Volutaria muricata Morocco Knapweed

I found this new Knapweed near to Málaga airport. It is native of southern Spain and Morocco. The flowers are 2-3ins across (5-7.5cms) and it can grown to an height of 70 cms. It is an annual and flowers from March to June.

Saturday 20 May 2017

Silene for id

Silene for id Campion

This tiny Silene is found growing in one specific area of Grazalema. I have been unable to identify it for two years and no one seems to know what it is. The flower was very tiny, approx. 10mm but it was on a long stem at 25-30cms. It is found growing near Pinsapo trees and amongst Cistus albidus. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Filago lusitanica

Filago lusitanica  Cudweed

This unusual small plant grows low to the ground and can grow from 2-5cms. It flowers from February to May and is native to the Sierras of Spain, SE Portugal and NE Africa. Its common name "Cudweed" comes from the fact that it was once fed to cows that had lost their ability to chew; hence, chewing the cud.

Saturday 6 May 2017

Convolvulus tricolor

Convolvulus tricolor Dwarf Morning Glory

This beautiful Convolvulus is native to the Mediterranean Basin and flowers from March to May. It can spread to 1 metre and is found in southern Spain near to the coast.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Cachrys sicula

Cachrys sicula 

This unusual perennial herb is native to the Iberian Peninsula and grows from an height of 30cm-1.50m. It flowers from April to June and is very striking when seen in swathes on hillsides. The umbels compose of 8-15 spokes.