
Sunday 12 February 2017

Rubia arvensis

Rubia arvensis Blue woodruff

Rubiadera azul

This blue plant is native to southern Europe, North Africa and SA Asia. It flowers from April to June and can grow to an height of 10-40cms. It is found on cultivated ground and in clearing near to woodland.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Oxalis corniculata

Oxalis corniculata Creeping woodsorrel


This common plant is worldwide and it's origins are unknown. It can be invasive. The leaves are edible and taste of lemons. The whole plant is rich in Vitamin C but must be taken sparingly as a drink. The seeds are explosive, hence it's invasive properties.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Lotus ornithopodioides

Lotus ornithopodioides Common Birdsfoot trefoil


This common plant is native to the Mediterranean and is found on dry pastures, flowering from March to June. It can grow from 10-40cms tall. The position of the flowers are thought to resemble a bird's claw. I hope that I have id'd this correctly.

Monday 6 February 2017

Stachys arvensis

Stachys arvensis Field woundwort

Hierba de gato

This flower is common over much of Europe and eastwards to Taiwan. It flowers from April to June and can grow to an height of 45cms. It prefers dampish, acid and sandy soils.

Sunday 5 February 2017

Silene colorata

Silene colorata

This beautiful plant can be found in small groups or in large swathes in orchards, verges or fields. It is native to the Mediterranean and can grow to an height of 40cms. It flowers any time from January to June. It is unusual to find a white form. The stem has fine, silky hairs. It produces tiny brown seeds.

Friday 3 February 2017

Malva cretica ssp. althaeoides

Malva cretica ssp. althaeoides Mallow


This delicate Mallow grows from 10-40cms tall and is native to the SW Mediterranean. It likes a dry and sunny spot and flowers from April to June.