
Wednesday 11 November 2015

Rorippa nasturtium~aquaticum

Rorippa nasturtium~aquaticum Watercress


This aquatic plant is found all over Europe and Asia in streams, pools and damps places. It is now cultivated worldwide. It flowers from February to August and can spread to several metres. It can grow to an height of 50cms. Synonym: Nasturtium officinale.  It is one of the oldest known leaf consumed by humans. It thrives in water that is slightly alkaline, and it contains iron, calcium, iodine and manganese.

Conyza sumatrensis

Conyza sumatrensis Guernsey fleabane


This weed is very abundant here from May to October and is probably native to South America. It grows from 50cms to 2 metres tall and seeds itself freely and is now worldwide.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Bellis sylvestris

Bellis sylvestris Southern Daisy


This southern daisy is native to central and southern Europe and can grow to an height of 6 ins, 10~15cms. It is abundant in many areas and is winter flowering, from November to April. It has a creeping rhizome and the basal leaves form rosettes. It is found in meadows and shady grassy verges.

Asphodelus albus

Asphodelus albus White Asphodel

 Gamon de montaña

I am not 100% sure that I have identified this correctly, but it is a White Asphodel. It could be A. ramosus. It grows from 50~150cms tall and flowers in the mountains of the Mediterranean and north Africa from May to August. 

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Asparagus acutifolius

Asparagus acutifolius Wild Asparagus

Espárragos triguero

This wild Asparagus, an evergreen perennial is native to the Mediterranean basin and can grow from 30~140cms tall or spread. The Latin name acutifolius means thorny leaves, as they are shaped like thorns.The flowers are bell~shaped white to yellowish and berries form from July to October. They do eventually turn red. From January to April you see the locals out collecting the delicious tender stems for cooking.

Monday 2 November 2015

Equisetum telmateia

Equisetum telmateia  Giant or Great Horsetail

Cola de Caballo

This herbaceous perennial plant with separate, sterile photosynthetic stems. and pale non~photosynthetic spore~bearing fertile stems. it grows from 40~140cms tall. It is found in damp shady places. This species is found in Europe, western Asia and NW Africa. 

Sunday 1 November 2015

Silene nocturna

Silene nocturna

This little plant I have now identified with the help of "anonymous". Thank you for your help. The photo was taken on 5,5,2013 at Montejaque, Serranía de Ronda. it was approx. 25cms tall. It is very common throughout Iberia where it is a native, and also The Canary Islands and SW Asia. It can grow to an height of 40cms.