
Monday 20 July 2015

Phragmites australis

Phragmites australis Phragmites


This plant is present in every continent apart from Antarctica. It can be a highly invasive plant, growing in or close to shallow water. It can grow up to 3 metres tall. It can tolerate any type of water. It flowers from July to October.

Plantago lagopus

Plantago lagopus 

Pie de liebre

This common Plantago is native from the Atlantic to Pakistan, including north Africa and the Middle East. It flowers from April to July and can grow to 30cms tall. 

Sunday 19 July 2015

Torilis leptophylla

Torilis leptophylla Bristle headed Hedge parsley

This plant is native to europe, Africa and Asia. It can grow to an height of 40cms and flowers from March to May.

Friday 17 July 2015

Verbascum erosum

Verbascum erosum

This attractive, biennial Verbascum is endemic to southern Spain, and possibly is present in Morocco, though not confirmed. It reaches an height of 2 metres and flowers from May to August. It is found on maquis and dry scrubland.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Clematis cirrhosa

Clematis cirrhosa December clematis

This beautiful plant is native to the western Mediterranean and can be in flower from October to March. The seed heads are beautiful in themselves, with feathery stems. It scrambles over bushes and rocks to a height of 3 metres. It and several hybrids are now cultivated worldwide.

Delphinium emarginatum ssp nevadense

 Delphinium emarginatum ssp nevadense

This Delphinium can reach an height of  1.5 metres and flowers from June to August. It is an Andaluz endemic of the mountains, in Cádiz, Málaga, Jaén and Granada provinces.
It is Vulnerable on the Red List of plants in the area.

Delphinium gracile

Delphinium gracile Annual delphinium


This delicate plant flowers from April to September and can grow to an height of 40cms. It is native to the Iberian peninsula.

Sunday 5 July 2015

Iberis fontqueri

Iberis fontqueri Candytuft

This Candytuft is an endemic to the Sierras of Málaga. and is classed as Vulnerable on the Red Plant List of Andalucía. It grows from 10~20cms tall and is found at an altitude of between 600~1100m.  I found it in Sierra de las Nieves.

Cerastium gibraltaricum

Cerastium gibraltaricum Chickweed

Cerastio de Gibraltar

This "Snow in summer" plant is an endemic to west of Cádiz and Málaga provinces, and found in Gibraltar too. It can grow to a height of 30cms and flowers from May to July. It has silvery leaves and seems to thrive in drought.

Friday 3 July 2015

Silene andryafolia

Silene andryafolia Mountain catchfly

This unusual Catchfly is an endemic to the mountains of Andalucia, where it can grow to 40cms. It is found at an altitude of 800~1,500m.  It is found growing out of limestone rocks and flowers in May and June.

Silene gallica

Silene gallica Small~flowered catchfly

This beautiful little plant can grow to a height of  30cms and flowers from February to May. It has largely become extinct in the UK unfortunately, apart from the SW. It is mainly found in southern Europe now. The leaves are very sticky and attract flies.

Lonicera implexa

Lonicera implexa Evergreen honeysuckle


This honeysuckle is native to southern Europe, especially Spain and can tolerate drought. It is found in woodlands, or on the edge. it can grow to 3 metres and flowers from April to June.

Lonicera periclymenum ssp hispanica

Lonicera periclymenum ssp hispanica Spanish honeysuckle


This honeysuckle is found in southern and central of the Iberian pennisula, also NW Africa. It is found in shady places, oak woodlands etc. It can scramble for 4 metres and flowers from June to August.

Capparis spinosa

Capparis spinosa Caper


This Caper is native to the Mediterranean, East Africa and Madagascar.  It is widely used for the berries which are often pickled and used as seasoning. It is often used in the production of medicines and cosmetics. It is often found growing in rocks and on verges. It flowers from June to September.