
Monday 10 November 2014

Ajuga iva ssp iva

Ajuga iva ssp iva Southern bugle

Pinillo almisclado

This perennial flowers from March to December and grows from 5~18cms. I found lots flowering yesterday, only about 5cms tall on 9.11.2014. It is native to the Mediterranean.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Scrophularia canina

Scrophularia canina  Dog figwort

Escrofularia menor
This plant is found in the whole of the Mediterranean, apart from Cyprus, and grows from 30-80cms tall. It flowers from April to July and is found on rocky crags, hills and mountains. The flowers are very small, only 4-5mm in length.

Scrophularia sambucifolia

Scrophularia sambucifolia  Figwort

Escrofularia o Hierba vaquera

This perennial can grow up to a metre tall and flowers from March to May. It is native to the southwest Iberian peninsula where it grows in damp places. The flowers are approx. 12-22mms in size.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Galium viridiflorum

Galium viridiflorum Bedstraw

This beauty was photographed at Grazalema. It flowers from May to July and grows to about 1m tall. It is native to southern Spain, especially the provinces of Malaga and Granada. It like damp roadsides where it flowers abundantly in certain places.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Armeria villosa ssp longiaristata

Armeria villosa ssp longiaristata  Armeria

This lovely plant flowers from May to July and grows from 20-60cms tall. It is native to south of the Iberian Peninsula.

Dipsacus fullonum

Dipsacus fullonum Common or Fuller's teasel

Cardo cardador

This thistle is native to Eurasia and North Africa but is now found worldwide. It is a herbaceous biennial and dies after seeding. The seeds are a great source of winter food for the European Goldfinch. It was used in the textile industry and useful for raising the nap on fabrics. It grows from 50cms to 2m tall and flowers (pale purple to white) from May to September.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Rubia peregrina

Rubia peregrina Wild madder


This madder is native to the Mediterranean, Great Britain and North Africa. It can grow to 2.5m and is seen here scrambling over Abies pinsapo. The flowers are hermaphrodite and pollinated by insects. It flowers from April to July.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Ailanthus altissima

Ailanthus altissima  Tree of Heaven


This large, deciduous tree, native to China and Taiwan grows rapidly. It can grow 15m in 25 years and can reach a height of  20 metres. It is not long lived and usually dies before 50 years but leaves behind many new trees produced by suckers. It has become a pest in many countries.  It flowers in May and June. It has a foul smell and has become unpopular in gardens.

Ruta montana

Ruta montana  Mountain rue

Ruda de la montana

This Rue flowers from June to September and grows from 25 to 75cms tall. It is found in the south of the Iberian Pennisula, NW Africa and eastwards to Turkey. It is strongly aromatic but poisonous. Pregnant women have to take great care as the strong chemicals it contains can cause abortion. The sap can cause dermatitis and blistering of the skin. It is loved by some insects.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Coris monspeliensis

Coris monspeliensis

Tomillo macho

Unfortunately I missed this beauty in flower. It is native to southern Spain and north Africa, where it blooms from April to June. It can grow to 40cms tall and has deep pink to purple flowers. It grows on coastal and barren mountains, the latter was where it was found.

Klasea baetica

Klasea baetica

This plant is classed as Endangered in the Red List of Andalucia, and is found in Málaga and Granada provinces. It grows at an altitude of 300 to 1400m and can grow to a height of 40cms, though this solitary specimen was about 12cms. It flowers from May to July.

Centaurea prolongoi

Centaurea prolongoi  Yellow knapweed

This yellow Knapweed is found in the Malaga mountains only and is classed as Vulnerable in the Red List of Andalucia. It grows 20 to 65cms tall  and flowers from March to July.

Staehelina dubia

Staehelina dubia 

 Hierba pincel

This small plant grows in limestone rocks and is native to the southern Iberian pennisula. It grows from 10 to 40 cms tall and flowers from May to July.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Saponaria officinalis

Saponaria officinalis  Common soapwort

Hierba jabonera

This beautiful plant is native to Europe and west to Siberia, which makes it even more remarkable that I had never found it before! It can grow to a height of 1metre, and spread to 1m as this was.  The leaves can be boiled to make a gentle soap. It flowers from June to August. It was a solitary plant as we could not find any others.

Campanula mollis

Campanula mollis White form.

This plant is native to southern Spain and NW Africa and is found growing in limestone rocks and cliffs, from May to July. I happened to find this white form yesterday. It is most unusual.

Monday 16 June 2014

Serapias lingua

Serapias lingua  Tongue orchid

This species of orchid is native to the Mediterranean area and flowers from March to June, usually on damp meadows. It is distinguished by other Serapias by a dark spot at the base of its throat, which I cannot demonstrate here unfortunately. It grows from a height of 15 to 50cms.

Genista triacanthos

Genista triacanthos Broom

Ahulaga morisca

This small thorny shrub is found in the undergrowth of Cork and Gall Oaks and can grow to a height of 1 metre, though the specimens we saw were all about 30 to 40cms tall. The blooms are very small,  and the leaves only 2 to 20mm long.It is native to the Iberian pennisula and NW Morocco. It flowers from April to June.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Cephalanthera rubra

Cephalanthera rubra Red helleborine

This orchid grows to a height of 40cms, though these plants were smaller. It flowers from May to July and grows in wooded areas in the mountains. It is native to Europe, north Africa and SW Asia, though it is very rare in Britain.

Cytisus fontanesii ssp plumosum

Cytisus fontanesii ssp plumosus

This beautiful low growing broom has hairy leaves and can grow to a height  50cms, though these plants were much shorter as they were growing in Sierra de las Nieves. It grows on limestone and gypsum and flowers from April to June. It is a Ronda endemic, and is on the Red List of plants in danger of extinction.

Monday 26 May 2014

Anacamptis or Orchis coriophora

Anacamptis or Orchis coriophora Bug orchid

It is native to southern Europe and north Africa and flowers from May to June. It can grow up to a height of 60cms, though these were only 15cms tall. It likes damp meadows in full sun.

Anacamptis or Orchis laxiflora

Anacamptis or Orchis laxiflora Loose flowered orchid

This orchid flowers from April to June. This year I photographed it too late as it was going over. It is native to Europe and Asia. This orchid is native to most of Europe and Asia and is present as far north as Gotland in Sweden. It grows on damp meadows and usually is between 30~80cms tall.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Anagyris foetida

Anagyris foetida Mediterranean stinkbush

Altramuz hediondo

This unusual plant flowers from December to April and can grow to 3 metres tall. It has a slightly unpleasant aroma. It is native to the whole Mediterranean basin.

Anthyllis polycephala

Anthyllis polycephala

This plant can flower on stems up to 60cms long and flowers from April to June. It is native to south of the Iberian Pennisula and north Africa.

Anthyllis vulneraria

Anthyllis vulneraria ssp maura Kidney vetch

This pretty vetch can cover fields  from April to June and can grow to 40cms tall. It is found in many countries worldwide/

Cytisus arboreus ssp baeticus

Cytisus arboreus ssp baeticus Broom

This Broom flowers from April to June and is native to south of the Iberian Pennisula and NW Africa. It can grow to 2-3 metres tall. It is found on damp soils.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Thymbra capitata

Thymbra capitata Mediterranean Thyme

Tomillo aceitunero

This Thyme is native to the Mediterranean where it flowers from June to October. It grows from 15-40cms tall and is loved by insects.

Thymus granatensis

Thymus granatensis  Thyme

Tomillo colorao

This colourful Thyme is found in southern and eastern Spain and flowers from May to August in the mountains. It grows from 5-30cms tall and is loved by insects, as all Thymes. 

Thymus baeticus

Thymus baeticus Common thyme

Tomillo basto

This Thyme is endemic to southern and eastern Spain and flowers in May and June, growing to a height of 15-50cms and is found up to an altitude of 1,300 metres.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Teucrium lusitanicum

 Teucrium lusitanicum

This bush can grow from 25-50cms tall and flowers from May to July. It is native to the southern Iberian province and NW Africa where it is abundant.

Veronica cymbalaria

Veronica cymbalaria Pale Speedwell

This tiny Speedwell flowers from January to May, and spreads along the ground to approx. 40cms. It can reach a height of 5-8cms. It was originally native to the Mediterranean but is now found on many continents. It was in the Scrophulariaceae family but is being re-classified. There are approx. 500 species of Veronica worldwide.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Campanula erinus

Campanula erinus

This pretty little shrub flowers from March to June and grows from 5-30cms tall. It is native to Southern Europe, North Africa, West Asia and Macronesia. The flowers can be from white to blue.

Monday 20 January 2014

Stellaria media

Stellaria media Common chickweed

This is native of Europe but has now naturalised in many parts of the world. It flowers from February to June and can grow from 5-25cms tall.

Anagalis arvensis

Anagalis arvensis Scarlett pimpernel 

This beautiful little Pimpernel is now naturalised over the whole world. It flowers from March to October and grows from 5-20cms along the ground.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Salvia sclareoides

Salvia sclareoides Wild sage


This Sage is native to the Iberian Peninsula and can grow to a height of 50cms. It is found in meadows and also close to rivers where this one was photographed.

Salvia verbenaca

Salvia verbenaca Wild clary


This Salvia can flower from February to November and was originally native to west and southern Europe, North Africa and WS Asia. It has now naturalised over many continents. It grows 5-30cms tall.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Lamium album

Lamium album White Dead-nettle

This nettle like plant does not have a sting, and is very attractive when it flowers from May to September. It grows from 50-100cms tall and is native to Europe and Western Asia.

Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary

The Rosemary bush is a native of the Mediterranean where it grows to a height of 50cms-1.5metres. It flowers from November to March and has many culinary uses. It is also used in Aromatherpy. It is now cultivated worldwide.