
Saturday 1 February 2014

Anagyris foetida

Anagyris foetida Mediterranean stinkbush

Altramuz hediondo

This unusual plant flowers from December to April and can grow to 3 metres tall. It has a slightly unpleasant aroma. It is native to the whole Mediterranean basin.

Anthyllis polycephala

Anthyllis polycephala

This plant can flower on stems up to 60cms long and flowers from April to June. It is native to south of the Iberian Pennisula and north Africa.

Anthyllis vulneraria

Anthyllis vulneraria ssp maura Kidney vetch

This pretty vetch can cover fields  from April to June and can grow to 40cms tall. It is found in many countries worldwide/

Cytisus arboreus ssp baeticus

Cytisus arboreus ssp baeticus Broom

This Broom flowers from April to June and is native to south of the Iberian Pennisula and NW Africa. It can grow to 2-3 metres tall. It is found on damp soils.