
Sunday 15 December 2013

Thymelaea hirsuta

Thymelaea hirsuta Thymelaea

Boja marina
This unusual plant grows around the coastal Mediterranean and Sahara deserts. It flowers November to May and can grow to 2 metres. It was traditionally used for paper (called Mitnan paper in Arabic) and rope making from the inner bark of the plant. This photo was taken in the Cabo de Gata-Nijar park.

Friday 6 December 2013

Nicotiana glauca

Nicotiana glauca Tobacco tree

Tobaco moruno

This plant can grow to 5 metres and is native to South America. It flowers all year. It is now found all over the world in temperate zones. This particular plant appeared in a friend's garden this year in Ronda, the seeds dropped by a bird presumably. I have also seen it in Almeria. It is smoked by Native American Indians, but the leaves are highly toxic if ingested, causing death.

Hyoscyamus albus

Hyoscyamus albus White henbane

Beleño blanco
This plant is native to the Mediterranean and north Africa. It grows to 50cms and flowers from April to September. It is toxic as it contains Hyoscyamine which has been used as a narcotic in anaesthetics and also as an aphrodisiac!

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Diplolepis mayri

Diplolepis mayri Rose gall

I found this gall in June on a wild rose. It was created by an insect, which I can't identify.