
Sunday 21 July 2013

Inula montana

Inula montana Arnica fleabane

Flowers from May to July in the western Mediterranean, and grows from 10-40cm tall. It's range is as far east as Italy. 

Friday 19 July 2013

Ballota hirsuta

Ballota hirsuta Dittany

Ballota hirsuta Dittany

Marrubio rojo
Flowers from May to July and is native mostly to the western Mediterranean plus Morocco and Italy. It grows to about 30cm.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Scabiosa stellata

Scabiosa stellata Sweet Scabious

Flowers from May to July and is native to SW Europe and North Africa. Grows from about 15-30cms tall. Also called Lomelosia stellata.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Centaurea aspera

Centaurea aspera

Flowers from February to September. It is native to the Mediterranean area and is very tiny. The flowers are only 1-1.5cm, but very delicate.

Klasea pinnatifida

Klasea pinnatifida or Serratula pinnatifida

This perennial flowers from May to July and grows in many countries, from the Iberian peninsula to as far east as Russia and the Himalayas.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Carthamus arborescens

Carthamus arborescens

Cardo cabrero
Flowers from February to August, though I have seen it in flower in December. It grows very tall, to 2.5m and in sites up to 1,500.

Foeniculum vulgare

Foeniculum vulgare Fennel

Fields of Fennel are a common sight in Andalucia, and the plant can grow to 2.5m tall. It flowers from May to September.

Notobasis syriaca

Notobasis syriaca Syrian thistle

Flowers from April to July and it grows 30-100cm. Normally it is purple in colour and white is very rarely seen.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Lavandula dentata

Lavandula dentata Fringed lavender

Alhucema rizada
It flowers from February to June and at much lower levels. These photographs were taken near to the coast and Cabo de Gata. It grows up to 60cms tall.

Lavandula lanata

Lavandula lanata Woolly lavender

La Alhucema de Andalucia
It is native to the Serrania de Ronda, Sierra Nevada and east Andalucia at 400-1800m and flowers from June to August.

Lavandula stoechas

Lavandula stoechas French lavender

Flowers from March until June, and grows from 30-100cm tall. It is a native of the Mediterranean countries.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Reseda luteola

Reseda luteola  Mignonette or Weld

Flowers from March to October, and grows from 40-130cm tall.
I am not 100% sure of the species, due to the leaf, but will research.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Putoria calabrica

Putoria calabrica Stinking madder

Flowers from April to August, and grows to 3cm in rock crevices.

Asperula hirsuta

Asperula hirsuta Woodruff

Flowers April to July
Grows to 80cm, and up to 1,500m on the edge of woodlands or in rock crevices. It is native to south of the Iberian peninsula and NW Africa.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Stipa tenacissima

Stipa tenacissima Esparto grass

Esparto or Atocha

This attractive grass flowers from March to July and is native to south of the Iberian peninsula and NW Africa. It is used in craft making, for baskets, shoes etc. it can grow to a height of 1.5 metres.

Monday 8 July 2013

Pistorinia hispanica

Pistorinia hispanica

Pistorinia hispanica  Red crassula

May to August flowering though yesterday, 7.7.2013, they were beginning to go over in the strong sun and windy conditions. It grows from 5-15cms tall and is native to the Iberian Peninsula and NW Africa. 

Dianthus boissieri

Dianthus boissieri Pink

Flowers from June to August. This photograph was taken at Sierra de las Nieves on 7.7.2013

Saturday 6 July 2013

Parentucellia viscosa

Parentucellia viscosa Yellow bartsia

Flowers from April to July and can grow to 50cms. It is hemiparasitic and takes it's nutrients from other grassy plants. It grows in damp fields and verges. it is often confused with the yellow Bartsia trixago as they are very similar. Note must be taken of the leaf structure.

Bellardia or Bartsia trixago

Bellardia or Bartsia trixago Mediterranean lineseed

Flowers April to July and can grow to 50cm tall.
 It is hemiparasitic as it is green and photsynthetic. It takes it's nutrients from other plants which must be grasses as it grows in damp grassy verges, and as you can see the colours vary.

Asteriscus aquaticus

Asteriscus aquaticus

Ojo de buey
April to July and grows in pastures up to 1,200m. Up to 50cm in height.

Friday 5 July 2013

Cirsium echinatum

Cirsium echinatum Hill thistle

Cirsium echinatum Friar's crown

Corona de fraile

This pretty biennial thistle flowers from June to August and can grow to a height of 50cms. It is native to southern France and specific areas in Spain. It likes dry, loamy and calcareous soils.

Mantisalca salmantica

Mantisalca salmantica 

Synonym: Centaurea salmantica
This delicate plant flowers from May to September and grows from 40-100cms tall. It is native to the Mediterranean.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Delphinium gracile

Delphinium gracile  Larkspur

Espuellas de caballero

This lovely little Delphinium flowers from May to October and can grow to a height of 90cms tall. It is endemic to the Iberian peninsula. It is found in dry pastures and on banks, and can be found at an altitude up to 1,500m.

Clematis flammula

Clematis flammula Fragrant clematis

Cola de ardilla

This beautiful Clematis flowers from May~August and brightens up the dry landscape. It is a climber and can scramble up to 4 metres. It is native to southern Europe and north Africa. The new flowers has a strong almond scent. It is now found as a cultivated plant in many gardens.

Dianthus broteroi

Dianthus broteroi Pink

This beautiful Pink flowers from June to August and grows up to 65cms tall. It is endemic to southern Portugal and southern Spain.

Dianthus gaditanus

Dianthus gaditanus Pink


This Pink flowers from June to August and is native of Spain, Portugal and north Africa. It can grow to a height of 30cms and is found growing out of limestone rocky crevices.

Monday 1 July 2013

Centaurea melitensis

Centaurea melitensis Maltese star thistle

Cardo escrolado

This annual Centaurea flowers from May to August and can grow to an height of 70cms. It is native to the Mediterranean and Africa. It was introduced into North America in the 18th century.