
Friday 31 May 2013

Hypericum perforatum

Hypericum perforatum St. John's wort

Hierba de san Juan

This plant flowers from May to August and was native to Europe. It has now spread worldwide. In tablet form it is used as a natural anti~depressant, therefore it is grown commercially in some countries.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Cynara humilis

Cynara humilis Field artichoke

Alcachofa de campo

This attractive thistle flowers from May to July and is highly prized for its tender leaves. It can grow to an height of 60cms and is native to southern Europe and north Africa. It can be used in cheese making, allegedly.
As you can see the plant comes in shades of mauve, purple and white. The red dots on the plant are Red spider mites.

Cynara humilis

Cynara humilis

Alcachofa de campo
May to July

This was covered in Red spider mites. At first glance I thought it was pollen!
Traditionally used as food by the Berbers, and used in cheese making.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Sedum mucizonia

Sedum mucizonia

May to July

I saw swathes of this today 28.5.2013. This beautiful tiny Sedum flowers from May to July and grows from 3-15cms. It is native to southern Spain and Portugal and NW Africa.

Echium boissieri

Echium boissieri Candle Bugloss

Viborera gigante

Flowering  from May to July this tall plant is 2m or more in height. It is native to the southern Iberian peninsula and north Africa and is commonly found on verges and roadsides, hence the seeds have travelled to parts of northern Spain too. It is unmistakable by it's size.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Helianthemum angustatum

Helianthemum angustatum

This Rock rose flowers from April to July, and is native to south of the Iberian peninsula and NW Africa. It is small and grows to a height of 25cms.

Halimium atriplicifolium

Halimium atriplicifolium

This central and eastern Iberian endemic flowers from May to July and can grow from 1m to 1.5m tall. It is not present in Portugal. It is often found near pine forests.

Phlomis composita

Phlomis composita

 May to August
Photos taken at Sierra de las Nieves

Another one of my favourite plants, of which there are many. Grows to 50cm, sometimes a little taller depending on location. It is native to southern Spain and NW Africa. It is found at altitudes above 1,000m.

Phlomis herba venti

Phlomis herba venti  Iranian Jerusalem sage


This beauty flowers from May to July in the mountains of southern Europe, and eastwards to Iran. It grows to a a height of between 20-50cms and is an herbaceous perennial shrub.

Phlomis purpurea

Phlomis purpurea

April to July
Common in the area.
I have only found this white form in one specific area.

Stachys circinata

Stachys circinata

 This beauty flowers from April to June in the mountains of southern Spain, and North Africa. It can grow from 20~50cms tall. It loves rocky places.

Salvia argentea

Salvia argentea Silver sage

This biennial or short lived perennial flowers from April to July. It is native to southern Europe, from Portugal east to Bulgaria. It can grow from 30~ 90cms tall. It looks very much like a candelabra with it branches stalks.

Saturday 11 May 2013


Papaver Poppies
May 10th 2013

Asphodelus fistulosus

Asphodelus fistulosus


This beautiful plant flowers from March to June and grows to about 40cms. This photograph was taken at Damiel marshes, Castilla La Mancha. It loves to grow on sandy soils.

Roemaria hybrida

Roemaria hybrida Violet horned poppy

Amapola morada

This poppy flowers from April to June, and is native to the Mediterranean, going as far east as Iran. It grows from 20~40cms tall.

Papaver hybridium

Papaver hybridium Rough poppy

April to July

Adonis microcarpa

Adonis microcarpa Yellow Pheasant's eye


This pretty little plant flowers from March to June, and grows 10~30cms tall. It is native to the Mediterranean, north Africa and SW Australia. The flowers can also be red in colour.

Hypecoum imberbe

Hypecoum imberbe Sicklefruit


This plant flowers from April to June and is native to the southern Iberian Pennisula. It can be very small at 5cms tall, or it can reach a height of 40cms if the conditions are right.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Silene colorata

Silene colorata Cloven petalled campion

This beautiful pink plant covers olive groves, scrubland and verges in swathes from January to June. There are over 700 species of Silene worldwide, and over 30 species in Andalucia alone.  This one is native to the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands.
This photo of a white form of Silene colorata was taken in 2007.

Silene nocturna

Silene nocturna Night silene/Campion

This Campion flowers just before sunset and is in flower from March to July. It grows from 5-40cms tall and is native to the Mediterranean, Canaries and Asia.

Silene vulgaris ssp vulgaris

Silene vulgaris ssp vulgaris Bladder campion

April to July
In Spain and Italy the young shoots are eaten raw with salads. Older leaves are boiled or sauteed.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Phlomis lychnitis

Phlomis lychnitis Jerusalem sage

Oreja de liebre

May to July
This can be made into a herbal tea. Just starting to flower now in early May. One of my favourite flowers, amongst many. It is native to the western Mediterranean and can grow to a height of 65cms. It grows on limestone and is found in scrubland.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Linaria for id

Linaria for id 

Photograph taken May 2012
If anyone could help me with any identifications it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

Linaria for id

Linaria for id

Photograph taken May 2012 Ronda La Vieja

Linaria platycalyx backview

Linaria platycalyx backview

 This beautiful little Linaria flowers from April to June and is endemic to the Sierras de Ronda, Andalusia. It can grow from 5~40cms in height and is found at the base of rocky, stony cliffs.

Linaria for id

Linaria for id

Photograph taken Genal valley, April

Linaria anticaria

Linaria anticaria

This plant flowers from March to June and is endemic to the Sierras of Granada province and Malaga province. It grows from 5~20cms tall.

Photo taken at El Torcal, Sierra de Loja
Granada Province

Linaria platycalyx

Linaria platycalyx

April to June

Endemic to the Macizo of Grazalema and Acinipo, Ronda. 
In Danger of Extinction on the Red List of Andalucia

Linaria amethystea

Linaria amethystea

Pajarita morada

This pretty Linaria flowers from February to September and grows from 5~30cms tall. It is native to Spain.

Linaria tristis

Linaria tristis - Toadflax

Acicate del diablo

This beauty flowers from February to June and is native to south of the Iberian peninsula, Morocco and Algeria. It is common in rocky and stony limestone.
It can grow to a width of 25cms, but rarely gets above 10cms tall.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Allium roseum

Allium roseum Rosy garlic

Ajo de culebra
This Allium flowers from March to June and grows from 20-60cms tall. It is native to the Mediterranean basin, W Asia, and north Africa.

The Ronda cranesbill and Paeony

The Ronda cranesbill and Paeony together

Today 1.5.2013

Geranium malviflorum

Geranium malviflorum The Ronda cranesbill

April to June
This beautiful Cranesbill flowers from March to June and can grow to a height of 40cms. It is native to southern Spain and NW Africa. It can grow in dark places in Cork oak woods and dry slopes. In Andalucia it is known as the Ronda cranesbill as it is very common around Ronda and Grazalema.

Iris xiphium

Iris xiphium Spanish iris

April to May

Paeonia broteroi

Paeonia broteroi Wild paeony

April to July

Just starting to flower in the Ronda mountains 1.5.2013

Ruta for id

Ruta for id Wild Rue

April to June

Thymus mastichina

Thymus mastichina Wild Marjoram or Sweet Marjoram


This Thyme is endemic to the central Iberian Pennisula and flowers from April to July. It grows from 20-50cms tall. It is a woody evergreen and is prized for its essential oils.

Linaria aeruginea

Linaria aeruginea Toadflax

This wonderful plant is native to south of the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic islands. It flowers from March to July in crags and mountains.
I found this plant for the very first time this morning. 1.5.2013 It spreads about 15~25cms and grows approx. 10cms tall.

Valeriana tuberosa

Valeriana tuberosa 

Nardo montano

It flowers from April to July and grows 20-30cms tall. It is a perennial plant with tubers underground, and is native to the Mediterranean and SW Asia.

Jasminum fruticans

Jasminum fruticans Wild jasmine

April to July

Orchis italica

Orchis italica White Italian man orchid

This orchid flowers from April to June and can grow to an height of 50cms (20ins). It is native to all the countries of the Mediterranean basin and likes partial shade. It is often found in groups. The flowers resemble a naked man with all five limbs!

Photo courtesy of Penny and John Hale