
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Convolvulus meonanthus

Convolvulus meonanthus Dwarf morning glory

This pretty plant is native to west of the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Sicily and NW Africa. It flowers from March to June and spreads along the ground.

Convolvulus althaeoides

Convolvulus althaeoides Mallow leaved convolvulus

Campanilla rosa 

This glorious pink flower is native to the Mediterranean basin and flowers from April to July. It scrambles along the ground or climbs up trees to 2 or 3 metres.

Tuberaria guttata

Tuberaria guttata Annual rockrose

This small rockrose flowers from April to June and grows to a maximum of 30cms (12 inches) tall. It is found in the Mediterranean, Atlantic coast of France, Ireland and Wales.

Monday 29 April 2013

Lathyrus clymenum

Lathyrus clymenum Crimson pea

This beautiful pea is native to the Mediterranean and flowers from March to May. It can climb to a height of 80cms. In Santorini in Greece it is cultivated and the seeds are used in a special Greek dish called Fava Santorinis.

Ononis for id

Ononis for id Spiny restharrow

April to July

Lathyrus latifolius

Lathyrus latifolius Perennial sweetpea

This pea is native to Europe, but has been introduced to many countries now. It flowers from April to July and can grow to a height of 2-3 metres.

Lathyrus ochrus

Lathyrus ochrus Winged or Cyprus vetchling

This pea is found all over Europe and Asia and flowers from March to June. It can grow to a height of 60cms. Care must be taken with the seeds which are produced in August/September as they can be toxic. The flowers are hermaphrodite.

Lathyrus tingitanus

Lathyrus tingitanus Tangier pea

This pea is native to southern Europe and north Africa. It flowers from March to June and can grow to a height of  4--1.80 metres. It is very striking when flowering in verges.

Lupinus angustifolius

Lupinus angustifolius Narrow-leaved lupin

Altramuz de hoja estrecho

This blue Lupin is native to Eurasia and north Africa, though naturalised in other parts of the world too now. It flowers from March to June and grows from 20-70cms tall. It has been cultivated for 6,000 years as a food source for it edible seeds and as fodder for livestock.

Lupinus hispanicus

Lupinus hispanicus Spanish lupine


This pretty Lupin flowers from April to July and can grow from 30-60cms tall. This photo was taken in the Genal Valley and it is endemic to west of the Iberian Pennisula.

Lupinus luteus

Lupinus luteus European yellow lupin

Altramuz amarillo

This yellow Lupin, a native of the Mediterranean flowers from March to July and can grow from 25-70cms tall. It's seeds, Lupin beans, were once a common food for the Mediterranean and Latin America. 

Lupinus micranthus

Lupinus micranthus Hairy lupin

Altramuz peludo

This very hairy Lupin is native to the Mediterranean and flowers from March to June. It can grow from 20-50cms tall and is found on verges and banks.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Paronychia argentea

Paronychia argentea Silver nailroot

This unusual plant flowers from March to July and is native to the Mediterranean. It is used as a poultice to heal wounds. It's leaves are almost hairless and is an hermaphrodite.

Friday 26 April 2013

Onobrychnis saxatilis

Onobrychnis saxatilis Rock sainfoin


I am not 100% sure of the id of this plant. Flowers from April to July. It is a Sainfoin.

Bituminaria or Psoralea bitumenosa

Bituminaria orPsoralea bitumenosa Bitumen pea or Pitch trefoil

Trébol hediondo

It flowers from April to October and is a perennial Mediterranean herb. If the leaves are crushed there is a strong smell of tar or bitumen.

White form with leaves.

Retama sphaerocarpa

Retama sphaerocarpa Yellow retama

Retama común

This yellow Broom is native to the Iberian Penninsula and north Africa and flowers from May to July. It can grow to a height of 3 metres and is often found in clumps.

Robinia pseudoacacia

Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust or False Acacia

Falsa acacia

This pretty tree is native to SE of America but has naturalised in temperate climes. It flowers from April to June and can grow to a height of 52 metres! The bark and the leaves are toxic, but it is thought that the seeds are edible.

Tetragonolobus purpurea

Tetragonolobus purpurea Winged pea

February to May

Trifolium angustifolium

Trifolium angustifolium Narrow-leaved clover


This clover flowers from April to August and is native to Europe, Asia and north Africa. It grows to a height of 15cms.

Trifolium tomentosum

Trifolium tomentosum Wooly clover

This plant is an herbaceous perennial and flowers from April to June. It is native to Europe, Asia and north Africa. it is cultivated as a cover crop for silage and hay, as green manure and as a bee plant.

Vicia lutea

Vicia lutea


This pretty vetch flowers from March to June and is native to Europe, west Asia and north Africa.

Vicia benghalensis

Vicia benghalensis Reddish tufted vetch

Arveja roja

This vetch flowers from March to June and is native to southern Europe and north Africa. It is used in crop rotation for hay and fodder, and used as a bee plant for honey. It can grow to a height of 30cms.

Vicia cracca

Vicia cracca Tufted vetch

This vetch is native to Europe and Asia, and flowers from April to June. It can climb to 150cms. It is widely used as a forage crop for cattle, and is popular with pet birds as seeds. Wild birds also enjoy the leaves and seeds.

Vicia ervilia

Vicia ervilia Bitter vetch

This small vetch flowers from April to June and is native of the Mediterranean region. It is an ancient grain legume, and when split the grains resemble red lentils.

Vicia sativa

Vicia sativa Common vetch

Arveja algarrobilla

This vetch flowers from March to June and is a nitrogen fixing leguminous plant. It is often grown as green manure or animal fodder. It can climb to a height of 2 metres.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Ophrys subfusca

Ophrys subfusca Sombre bee orchid

March to June

We think that this is O.subfusca, thanks to  Mick Richardson for
confirming this for me. There are so many variations in the Ophrys fusca group, and they are due to be re~classified in July. It all gets very confusing at times.

White daisies for id

White daisies for id

February to July

There are so many different white daises here, Chamomiles etc and they are difficult to identify without seeing the seeds.

Cynoglossum creticum

Cynoglossum creticum Blue hound's tongue

Lengua de perro

This biennial plant was native to the Mediterranean basin, but has now found its way to several other countries, including south America. It can grow up to 60cms tall and flowers from March to July. It spreads by seeds. The flowers range in colour on the same plant, from blue to pink.

Anthyllis vulneraria

Anthyllis vulneraria 


This pretty flower is in bloom from April to June, and is native to Europe, Asia and north Africa. This could be Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. maura, but they are very confusing. It grows from 10~40cms tall. 

Trifolium stellatum

Trifolium stellatum  Star clover

   Trébol estrellado

This lovely clover flowers from March to June and is native to the Mediterranean. it can grow to a height of 30cms.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Crataegus monogyna

Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn or May blossom

Espino majuelo
It is native to Europe,  NW Africa and western Asia. It is a shrub or a small tree and can grow to a height of 10 metres. It flowers in May and June giving off a distinct aroma which is sometimes unpleasant to some people.

Muscari comosum

Muscari comosum Tassel hyacinth


This striking plant flowers from April to June and grows from 20~60cms tall. It is native to southern Europe, and spreads eastwards as far as Iran.The edible bulb is eaten in some Mediterranean countries after cooking it several times, and stored in olive oil.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Cynoglossum cheirifolium

Cynoglossum cheirifolium

Viniebla de hoja de alheli
This plant flowers from February to June and can grow 10-30cms tall with delicate tiny flowers. It is native to the western Mediterranean, including the Balearic islands.

Linaria hirta

Linaria hirta

Endemic to the Iberian Peninsula
This Linaria flowers from April to June and can reach a height of 60cms.

Viola demetria

Viola demetria Wild violet

This pretty Violas are native to the mountains of western Andalusia and NW Africa. They flower from March to June and can grow from 5~20cms high. They grow at an altitude of between 900~1,900 metres in shady rocks and fissures.

Tulipa silvestris ssp australis

Tulipa silvestris ssp australis Wild tulip

Tulipán silvestre

This wild tulip flowers from April to May, and it is native from Portugal and Morocco to as far west as China. It can grow to a height of 30cms.

Erinacea anthyllis

Erinacea anthyllis Hedgehog broom

This beauty flowers from April to July and is native to stony ground in the Mediterranean, the Pyrenees and Morocco. It is a dwarf, spiny, evergreen shrub in a dome shape, and rarely exceeds 30cms tall.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Orchis conica

Orchis conica Conical Orchid

This beautiful little orchid flowers from March to May and is native to France, the Iberian Pennisula and north Africa. It is usually very small at 12cms but can grow to 30cms tall.

Anacampsis pyramidalis

Anacampsis pyramidalis Pyramid orchid

This striking orchid flowers from May to July and can be found growing from 20~60cms tall. They tend to be solitary and are found on grassy banks. It is native from western Europe, through the Mediterranean to Iran in the east.

Cephalanthera longifolia

Cephalanthera longifolia Sword leaved helleborine

This orchid flowers from March to June and is widespread across Europe, Asia (all the way to China) and north Africa. It grows from 20~60cms tall and is often found in damp, light woodlands (mainly oak and beech woods). The flowers are pollinated by solitary bees.

Neotinea maculata

Neotinea maculata Dense-flowered Orchid

This small orchid flowers from March to May and is native to parts of Europe, Asia Minor and north Africa. It can grow to an height of 25cms and can vary in colour through to pinks.

Ophrys apifera

Ophrys apifera Bee orchid

This orchid flowers from April to June and grows from 15~50cms (6~20ins) tall. It is native to central and southern Europe, north Africa and the Middle East. it generally grows in open woodland, limestone and grassland. It is usually self~pollinating, but is pollinated by the solitary bee, Eucera in the Mediterranean.

Ophrys fusca ssp fusca

Ophrys fusca ssp fusca Brown bee orchid

This little orchid flowers from February to May, and is native to the Mediterranean, north Africa and western Asia. It can grow to an height of 30cms and is found on pastures and olive groves. Ophrys fusca varies considerably, with many subspecies, and there are many types here on my blog. It is one of the first bee orchids to flower in the year.

Orchis cazorlensis

Orchis cazorlensis

This endemic orchid is found mostly in southern and central Spain and was discovered in 1930 in the Sierra de Cazorla, hence it's name. It is found at an higher altitude 700-1,400m and flowers from April to June.  It is often confused with Orchis spitzelli of which is found in the Pyrenees.

Orchis langei x Orchis cazorlensis

Orchis langei x Orchis cazorlensis

April to June

Sierra de las Nieves

Orchis langei

Orchis langei Lange's orchid

This lovely orchid flowers from April to June and is mostly found in the Iberian Peninsula and south to the Atlas mountains of Morocco. It grows from 15~60cms tall and is closely related to Orchis mascula.