
Tuesday 22 May 2012

Armeria villosa ssp villosa

Armeria villosa ssp villosa

This rare, endemic plant flowers from May~July and is found in the mountains of Tolox and Sierra de las Nieves. It can grow to an height of 35cms and this was photographed at Sierra de las Nieves. The identification was confirmed by a local botanist. It grows at an altitude of between 1,400~1,800 metres.

Red list of Andalucia In danger of extinction

Misopates orontium

Misopates orontium Lesser Snapdragon 

This plant flowers from March to June and is very small, at 10-25cms. It is native to Europe and naturalised in North America.

Antirrhinum australe

Antirrhinum australe Large Snapdragon 
Boca de dragon

This plant can be in flower most months of the year, though it mainly flowers from March to July. It can grow up to 1 metre. It is a native of the southern Iberian peninsula.

Antirrhinum charidemi

Antirrhinum charidemi Cabo de Gato snapdragon 
Dragoncillo del Cabo

In danger of extinction Endemic to Cabo de Gata It is an exclusive endemic to the Cabo de Gata, Almeria province,  SE Spain. It blooms throughout the year, and reproduces by seeds in rocky crevices.

Antirrhinum graniticum ssp. boissieri

Antirrhinum graniticum ssp. boissieri (hypochromatic) White Snapdragon

Boca de dragón
This plant flowers most of the year, but is at it's best March to July. This white form photograph was taken east of Ronda, around Teba area. It grows from 25-50cms.

Antirrhinum controversum

Antirrhinum controversum Snapdragon
Boca de dragoncillo

This photograph was taken in Granada province. The plants were very small in this area from 15-25cms.

Zygophyllum fabago

Zygophyllum fabago Syrian bean caper 


This plant was native to Asia, eastern Europe and Romania originally, but has now naturalised in Australia and north USA. It is considered a noxious weed, growing on acid soils and can grow to over 1m tall. The flower buds can be put in brine as used similar to capers. This photo was taken in Almería province, where it is now naturalised, also north Africa.

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Crystalline iceplant

This beautiful tiny plant, height from 3cms-10cms is native to Africa, the Mediterranean and W Asia. It flowers from January to May. The leaves, covered in glistening bladder cells are edible. Photographed in Cabo de Gata February

Carpobrotus edulis

Carpobrotus edulis Iceplant or Hottentot fig

Hierba cuchillo
This ground hugging plant, native to South Africa, has naturalised throughout the Mediterranean. It has become invasive in some areas. It flowers from February to July and will spread by at least a metre per year.

Limonium sinuatum

Limonium sinuatum Wavy leaf sea lavender 


This Sea lavender was originally native to the coastal regions the Mediterranean but has now naturalised on many continents. It flowers from April to July and can reach an height of 35cms.

Limonium insigne

Limonium insigne Sea Lavender 

Siempreviva rosa 

This perennial Sea lavender flowers from late winter until June and can grow to a height of 1 metre. It forms pretty bushes in cliffs and coastal areas in the east of the Iberian peninsula. It is sometimes used in gardens as an ornamental plant.

Limonium cossonianum

Limonium cossonianum Sea lettuce

Limonio de flor blanca

This plant is endemic to the coast of the Iberian peninsula, especially in the east of the region. It grows on salt marshes, in rocks or the beach. It flowers from April onwards, and is classed as vulnerable. The stems can grow to an height of a metre.

Glaucium flavum

Glaucium flavum Yellow horned poppy 

Adormidera marina

This lovely sea poppy can be found all over the world in coastal, sandy areas. with its blue/green leaves it can grow to a metre tall and flowers from February to July.

Adonis annua

Adonis annua Pheasant's eye 

Adonis de otoño

Flowers from April to June and grows to 20cms. It is native to the Mediterranean, NW Africa, Europe and western Asia. The leaves and roots are poisonous to humans and livestock.

Malva maritma

Malva maritma Tree mallow

This beautiful shrub flowers from February to June and is native to SW Mediterranean, and NW Africa. It can grow over a metre tall.